December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from the farm...

From our little neck of the woods, we wish you a most blessed Christmas, lots of photo moments, and a fabulous new year ahead! Thank you for a fantastic year of shooting!
From the photo taken this Christmas morning, you can tell that our son has not made his arrival quite yet...but we'll keep you posted when he does!
A few shoots coming to post soon...can't wait to show you!

December 8, 2008

The Tree Shindig • A few images

While editing the shindig photos, there were a couple of images that I just loved. More than the family photos for Christmas marking the trek to find the perfect tree, they were the ones where the kids were simply themselves...goofy and happy and loving running up and down the hillside.

It's been awhile since you've seen Anna (above)...but you'll recognize her from the sneak peek here, and the splash page from the Finian Road website.

And the three kids together...

Eddie and his younger brother Sam, were my very first shoot clients way back in December of 2004. Eddie was just over a year old, and Sam was a bun in the oven. I shot them this summer with their younger sister Lucy...who is on her way to being a big sister in 2009!

How can you not love Lucy's gaze?!?

If you were at the Shindig, check your email! There should be a link to all 120 final proofed images from the event...if you haven't gotten it yet, shoot me an email with your updated contact info!

December 7, 2008

Of updates and beautiful sunshine...

As it pours down rain this morning on the farm, I am saying a prayer of thanksgiving for the amazing sunshine that we had for the 2008 Christmas tree shindig! More than 100 people came out for our open house, Christmas tree hunting, and photo shoot on the hillside. And Henry's sneaky little smile just made my day. Had to share it with you in advance of the sneak peek scheduled for tomorrow. Hasn't he grown since the last time I shot him?
Last year, we had a beautiful snowfall...this year, nearly 60° and beautiful light. My last official shoot before the baby is born in about a month. I still can't believe it!
For the Tree Shindig in 2008, I was testing out photo processing from Pictage. This year for the Shindig, I used my pro account at SmugMug, which allows for full resolution downloads from the site. Those who attended the Shindig will be able to download and print them at several different sizes (from small websize all the way up to enlargement sized), and they are available at no charge.
Everyone who attended should get an email from me today or tomorrow with the link to the images...if you haven't heard from me by tomorrow night, it means I don't have your updated contact info! Shoot me an email and I'll send you the link! Enjoy!
Some quick updates...
  • Maternity Leave and shoot scheduling
    As I am on maternity leave until the end of March, the only shoots that are scheduled between now and then are for Finian Road's Signature Baby Plan clients. Beginning in February, I will begin scheduling family and engagement shoots for April, May, June and July.
  • Projects in the works
    The next two weeks will be finishing up editing and projects from the last few months (six shoots last month alone!). All Christmas card orders have gone to print by last week, and should be delivered directly to our clients via UPS this week. If you've sent me an email in the last two weeks and haven't heard back yet, I'll be responding as soon as these shoots are finished and shipped.
  • Inquiries and email
    I will be available easily through email and on a limited basis by phone as the baby's arrival nears. January will be low-key, with the exception of a brand new baby scheduled to arrive two weeks after my son!
  • The Blog
    Although I'll be on maternity leave, check back to the blog occasionally! You'll find a few shoots from earlier in the year that haven't yet been published, as well as a continuation of the A-Z project Q&A posts that are scheduled to publish while I'm not shooting on leave. And if you're looking to see a little of our life after the baby is born...check back here or over to our family blog: Life on the Farm!
  • ...and ahead in 2009
    There are some fun projects in the works for 2009, including a sweet new Shoot to Fight Cancer that will have the best grand prize yet! We're planning for some great new toys (read: buttery smooth lenses and lighting) and some products to feature images in a beautiful new way for your home.

Wishing you a beautiful Advent season as Christmas draws closer! ♥

December 4, 2008

A little Santa baby...

A little Christmas cheer for you!

How can you not love Avila, getting ready for Santa? We shot her nine month shoot out on the farm, with some perfect images for the season. She's growing so fast, and about to be a "big cousin" to little Angus, being about 10 months older than him.

Out in the to an Avila sized tree...

But it would appear that she's not as excited about being the tree angel on top. Even if she's ridiculously cute.

The whole fam together...

Avila as a bun in the oven • January 2008
At two days old • March 2008
At six months old • September 2008

December 3, 2008

All bundled up...

Brian, Jenna and Abygail...just in time for Christmas. Abygail's now nearly six months old. Full of wee little smiles, learning to balance herself and general soaking up all the attention she can find. :)
Loving how these turned out with her all ready for the cold...

Her gaze in this just mesmerizes me.

At three months • October 2008

December 2, 2008

Two little girlies

My favorite story of the shoot?

Chris explained to me that he and Siri had been playing the "who loves you?" game a few weeks earlier...when he asked two-and-a-half-year-old Siri who loved her, do you know what her response was?


Surprised by her answer...he asked her who Shelley was.

"The one who takes the pictures!"

How much did my heart warm? ♥

Elise, Siri's younger sister, is growing so quickly. A great shoot out on the farm getting ready for Christmas. Here is Elise in all her three month glory!

Siri is transitioning nicely into the role of big sister...

Both girls. Amazing blue eyes. Check these out!

And my favorite of Siri...

December 1, 2008

The cutest bee on the block...

Seriously. I love shooting wee ones. Especially when they are tiny little bees. And all dressed up for Christmas. It is such good stuff.

So loving to see how Anaya is growing...she's six months and on fire! An great shoot down on the farm...and onto my favorites! :)

Anaya as a newborn • The Forever Child
Anaya at three months • Summer 2008