February 15, 2007

Partners for Youth

Each year, the YMCA of Pierce County launches their Partners For Youth campaign, which is the primary source of funding for youth programs and scholarships throughout the area. It makes it possible that no child is without the programs available through the Y due to lack of funds. An incredible way to keep kids focused and in a great place.

I shot photos for last year's campaign, and they're currently blown up and hanging at the Tacoma Center YMCA. I headed down there earlier this month, and spent some time with the kids at Late Nite.

Some e-props must go to Brian Fulker, programs director extraordinaire, for his incredible way with the kids at the Y, and all he does to live the values of the YMCA. If you get a chance to meet him and work with him, you are an incredible lucky duck.

Shauneice Samms, below, is the Narrows League Bay Division MVP, and she is amazing. In last night's game against Kentridge, she had 17 points, 11 rebounds, 6 assists, and 5 blocks. And she's so humble. You gotta love that.

What I love about spending time down there for a program like this...you see the results of what you give to. There's no better motivation.

Just a few more images that I've had time to edit...

Keep your eyes open at the Y for the new 2007 images! :)

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